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Communication Tips


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From the time they are born, children start communicating. Very early in their lives, they learn to understand what you are saying and to make sounds of their own. They are beginning to develop speech and language skills that will help them make friends and learn to read, and later, to succeed at school and in life.


Communication skills are critical to your child's future success.


About one in 10 children needs help developing normal speech and language skills. Without this help it's a struggle to listen and talk, it's difficult to learn to read, and it's hard to play with other children.

These activities, listed at the left, can be fitted into every child's daily routine. Take the time to try them. Because no two children are exactly alike, try different activities with different children.
Watching and helping a child as he learns to communicate is exciting - you'll be glad you took the time!

If you have questions or concerns about your child's speech and language development, call your local health unit and talk to a public health nurse. Nurses can conduct a screening of a child's development over the phone and provide additional resources and supports.


Download our new 'Learning to Talk" brochures for birth to 2 1/2 years and 2 1/2 to 5 years.


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